Add a Scheduling Button into your Website

Add a Scheduling Button into your Website

Add a Scheduling Button into your Website A Andrew Kelly

To embed a "Schedule Appointment" button on your website, go to Client's Scheduling Page > Scheduling Page Link and scroll to the bottom. Copy and paste the HTML embed code to your website and your clients will see a clickable button that will take them to your Acuity Client's Scheduling Page.

Here's a preview of what your button will look like:

Customizing the Scheduling Button 

To change the color of the scheduling button, head to Customize Appearance and change the Button/Accent color:

Fonts and other styles generally appear as the default for your own website.  To update the wording of the button, look for the words you'd like to change in the embed code on your website, and update them to what you want the button to say.

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