Add Additional Users and Staff to Your Acuity Account

Add Additional Users and Staff to Your Acuity Account

Add Additional Users and Staff to Your Acuity Account A Andrew Kelly

If you have a paid plan in Acuity, you can add as many users to your account as you'd like! The main admin can control which calendars users can access, as well as how much access they have to Acuity's controls and settings.

How To Add Users

You can add new users and manage existing ones from the Manage Users tab. 


To add a user to your account:

  1. Click +New User
  2. Add the new user's email address (which will be their username) and assign a password to them. (They'll be able to change this password after they log in.)
  3. Select which access level (View Only, View & Edit or Admin) you want the user to have from the dropdown menu.
  4. If you've selected View Only or View & Edit access, check the boxes to assign them to any calendars you'd like them to access.
  5. Hit the green Add User button.
  6. Give the user their login credentials. (Acuity will not do this automatically.)  

Keep in mind: Adding a new user will add the user's email address to the email field of each calendar the user is given access to. If you do not want a user to be notified of appointments booked onto a calendar they have been given access to, you will need to go into the calendar settings and remove the new user's email addresses from the e-mail field. 

Creating Calendars For Staff

If you also need to add a unique calendar for the user, you can do so by going to Business Settings > Availability and clicking the +Add New Calendar button. If you haven't assigned access to the new user, you can do so in Manage Users

Note: Only users on the Growing Business and Powerhouse Player plans are able to create multiple calendars.

Levels of Access

Users are granted Admin, View & Edit, or View Only access.

Users with access set to Admin are able to access everything that the Main Admin can, except: 

  • Delete the main account.
  • Edit or delete themselves.
  • Change the username or password for the main account.

Users with access set to View & Edit are able to access:

  • The Appointments section, where the appointment calendar can be viewed in daily, weekly, or monthly view. They can add or remove labels from appointments or from class attendees, but they cannot create new labels or edit or delete labels from the system. They can cancel and reschedule appointments.
  • The Availability section, where they can set availability for the calendars they’re granted access to. 
  • The Client section, where they can view and manage any clients who have booked appointments on the calendars they've been assigned. They can also import clients and view and manage clients added to their list through the import feature. If the admin allows it, they can also export client lists. This setting is controlled by a checkbox in the user details on the Manage User page.
  • The Client's Scheduling Page section, where they’ll find the standalone scheduling page link for the account, and direct links to their appointments/calendars. 
  • The Integrations section, where a limited suite of app integrations is available. Additionally, the integrations program Zapier can be used to connect with other systems, such as Salesforce and Infusionsoft. (This requires some developer coding knowledge to set up).
  • The Sync with Other Calendars section, where users can set up 2-way syncing between their Acuity calendar and their Google, iCloud, Outlook, Office 365, and/or Outlook Exchange calendars.  Learn more about syncing with multiple calendar accounts here.
  • The My Account section where they can reset their password and sign up for daily or weekly emails listing their upcoming appointments.
  • The Reports section, where they can export appointments as a spreadsheet, if the admin allows it. If allowed, they can only export clients/appointments that they otherwise have access to. This setting is controlled by a checkbox in the user details on the Manage User page.

Users with access set to View Only are able to access:

  • The Appointments section, where the appointment calendar can be viewed in daily, weekly, or monthly view. They cannot cancel or reschedule appointments.
  • The Clients section, where they can view, but not manage, clients who have booked appointments on the calendars they've been assigned. They can also view clients added to their client list through the import feature. If the admin allows it, they can also export client lists. This setting is controlled by a checkbox in the user details on the Manage User page.
  • The Client's Scheduling Page section, where they’ll find the standalone scheduling page link for the account, and direct links to their appointments/calendars. 
  • The My Account section where they can reset their password sign up for daily or weekly emails listing their upcoming appointments.
  • The Reports section, where they can export appointments as a spreadsheet, if the admin allows it. If allowed, they can only export clients/appointments that they otherwise have access to. This setting is controlled by a checkbox in the user details on the Manage User page.
  • They can only view labels from appointments or from class attendees; they cannot assign, create, or edit labels.

Note: If you need to change your username, read this article.

Video Overview

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