Banning clients from scheduling online

Banning clients from scheduling online

Banning clients from scheduling online A Andrew Kelly

You can ban clients in Acuity. Banning a client prevents them from scheduling, rescheduling or cancelling an appointment online and from buying packages, subscriptions, or gift certificates.  It also prevents Acuity from sending automated follow-up messages to that email address. The ban will affect them as long as they use the banned email address.

To ban a client:

  • Go to Appointments > Client List.
  • Click on the client's name to bring up their client record.
  • Click the Ban button at the top of the record.
  • Optionally, enter a customized message about the ban, which will be shown to clients when they try to book.
  • Click Ban Client.

If a customized message has not been entered, clients will see a message saying "You are not permitted to schedule appointments online." If you've entered a customized message, they'll see that instead.

Note: Banned clients will not be blocked from scheduling if they use a new email address.

To unban a client:

  • Go to Appointments > Client List.
  • Click on the client's name to bring up their client record.
  • Click the Unban button.

To check whether a client is banned:

  • Go to Appointments > Client List.
  • Click on the client's name to bring up their client record.
  • If the client is banned, Acuity will include a notification below the client's name.

Watch what a banned client sees when they try to book while a customized ban message is in place:

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