Business Reviews from your Clients

Business Reviews from your Clients

Business Reviews from your Clients A Andrew Kelly

Acuity does not have an in app review feature that will allow your clients to leave reviews about your business or services, but there are a few workarounds for you:

Include a link to your business' review page (Yelp or Google Reviews, for example) in your appointment follow-up emails.

This will send the client an email after their appointment occurs, which will include the link for them to leave the review.
Check out this help article to learn how to set up a follow-up email here.

Use our ReviewRail integration and let it do the work for you.

Read all about it just here!

Include a link to your business review page in your appointment confirmation message

After the client completes scheduling an appointment their final confirmation message will also show the link to leave a review.

Check out this help article to learn how to add appointment confirmation messages here.

Confirmation emails and messages are customizable. Add hyperlinks, format text, and even add images!

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