Customize Your Scheduling Page URL

Customize Your Scheduling Page URL

Customize Your Scheduling Page URL A Andrew Kelly

It will look a little something like this:

- If you customize a link, then later change it to something else, the previous link will not work anymore.

Shorten Direct Links For Appointment Types

You can shorten your direct links for your appointment types by heading to Business Settings > Appointment Types and clicking Direct Scheduling Link > Customize Link:

Once you edit the name, it will look something like this:

- In order to shorten direct links, you will first need to customize your scheduling page URL first (that's the first part of this article) before trying to shorten your links!

Shorten Direct Links For Calendars

Similarly, you can shorten the direct links for your calendar(s) from the Business Settings > Availability & Calendars page (or, if you only have one calendar, Business Settings > Availability ). Click Direct Scheduling Link > Customize Link to edit the link:

When you edit the name, you'll see something like this:

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