Edit the email template buttons

Edit the email template buttons

Edit the email template buttons A Andrew Kelly

Acuity automatically puts several buttons into many of the emails that go to your clients. Clients can use these buttons to do things including add their appointments to their calendars and to change or cancel appointments.

You can add or delete buttons, change the color of the buttons, and change what the buttons say and do, all by editing the buttons in your email templates.

Change the color of the buttons

To change the color of the buttons:

  • Go to Client Scheduling Page > Customize Appearance > Appearance.
  • Scroll down to the Button/Accent Color field.
  • Select the color you want. 
  • Click Choose.
  • Click Save Changes.

Note: This will also change the color of the buttons on your client scheduling page.

Change wording of a button

To change the wording of a button:

  • Go to Business Settings > Email Settings.
  • Select the email template you wish to edit.
  • Click on the text of the button you want to change.
  • Click Edit.
  • Enter the new text in the Text field.
  • Click Edit.
  • Click Save Template. 

Note: Buttons are set on a template-by-template basis. If you want a change to apply to all of the emails that Acuity sends your clients, you'll need to make the change in all of your templates.

Delete a button

To delete buttons:

  • Go to Business Settings > Email Settings.
  • Select the email template you wish to edit.
  • Click on the text of the button you want to delete.
  • Hit the backspace or delete key.
  • Click Save Template. 

Add a button

To add buttons:

  • Go to Business Settings > Email Settings.
  • Select the email template you wish to edit.
  • Put your cursor on the line of the template where you wish to add a button.
  • Click the Add Button button at the top of the editing window.
  • Select the type of button you would like to add.
  • Click Save Template.

Restore the default template and buttons

To restore the default template and buttons:

  • Go to Business Settings > Email Settings.
  • Select the email template you wish to revert.
  • Click the Use Default Template button at the bottom right.
  • Click OK.

Note: Resetting the template to the default template CANNOT BE UNDONE. If you there is any text in the template that you want to save, you should copy and paste it to a document outside of Acuity before clicking the Use Default Template button.

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