How Appointment Scheduling in Acuity Works

How Appointment Scheduling in Acuity Works

How Appointment Scheduling in Acuity Works A Andrew Kelly

When clients are offered appointments to schedule on your Client’s Scheduling Page, several things are working together to make sure there are appointments for your clients to schedule. 

Availability represents the times that you’re available to see clients.

Availability can be set as a range (ex: 9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm), as specific start times (ex: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm), or a combination of both (ex: 9am-12pm, 2pm, 2:30pm, 4pm).

Appointment Type Duration is the length of time the appointment takes.

The duration of your appointment types needs to be able to fit into the hours you’ve made available in order for those appointment types to be scheduled.

For instance, if you have a 60-minute appointment duration, that can’t be scheduled if your Availability is set for only 30 minutes.

Start Time Intervals are the appointment start times shown to clients when they schedule an appointment.

The start times that show on your Client Scheduling Page determine when appointments can be scheduled within your available hours. Your start time intervals are set over in your Scheduling Limits.

For example, you can set the start time interval to be every 10 minutes, which would look something like this for availability starting at 9am:

  • 9:00am
  • 9:10am
  • 9:20am
  • 9:30am
  • 9:40am
  • 9:50am
  • 10:00am
  • 10:10am...

The last available start time is affected by the duration of the appointment. For instance, if you are scheduling a 30-minute appointment and your Availability is set for 9am-10am, the available appointments would be offered at these start times:

  • 9:00am
  • 9:10am
  • 9:20am
  • 9:30am

Since 9:30am is the last point at which a 30-minute appointment could be scheduled, that’s the last start time that will display on your scheduling page.

You can also choose “auto” for start time intervals, which automatically calculates start times based on all of the Appointment Types’ durations offered on that Calendar. For instance, if you have a 30-, 45-, and 60-minute appointments, “auto” will automatically offer start times every 15 minutes to accommodate all three durations.

In your Scheduling Limits, you also have control over how far in advance from an appointment start time someone can schedule, cancel, or reschedule.

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