How do client accounts work?

How do client accounts work?

How do client accounts work? A Andrew Kelly

How do client accounts work?

What is a Registered Client Account?

After clients schedule an appointment, they’re given the option to register for a client account on your client scheduling page. This allows them to:

  • Bypass any forms they’ve already filled out when scheduling future appointments.
  • Sign in to your client scheduling page to reschedule or cancel existing appointments.
  • View all upcoming and past appointments that have been scheduled while logged into their account.
  • See any active package codes on their account, as well as what they can be used for.

Note: It is not mandatory for clients to register for a client account on your scheduling page. Clients will never be required to log in to schedule an appointment with your business. We do not offer single sign-in solutions.

A client account can only be registered by the client by clicking Register after booking an appointment through your scheduling page. Admins cannot register an account on behalf of clients. 

If, however, you’ve scheduled an appointment on a client’s behalf, they can click the “Change/Cancel Appointment” button within their confirmation email to register for an account.  This button will direct them to their appointment confirmation page where a "Register for an Account" button will be. 

Which appointments do clients see when they are logged in?

Clients will see any appointments that are specifically assigned to their account. When an administrator views an appointment, they’re able to see if it’s assigned to a client’s account under the Client User field:

By editing an appointment you can change which user the appointment is assigned to. Appointments can be assigned to any of your users who have already registered for accounts.

Or, under a client's history, any of the appointments with a silhouette icon next to them are assigned to a client's account.  You can see the username of their account by hovering your mouse over the icon:

Unless an appointment is assigned to a client account, it will not appear when they’re logged into their account. Appointments can be assigned to client accounts in several different ways:

  • Clients who are logged in when scheduling appointments will have their appointments assigned to their accounts automatically. 
  • Admins can edit appointments and change the client user to a registered client account.
  • From the client’s history, the Bulk Edit option allows you to bulk assign appointments to an account, so long as at least one of their appointments is already assigned and no more than one client account is linked to their appointments. This is beneficial for clients who have signed up once, but since forgotten to log in to schedule additional appointments.
  • When admins schedule an appointment for someone who has a client user account that has been used consistently (all assigned appointments are assigned to the same client user account), the appointment will be automatically assigned to that client user account as well.
  • After registering for a client account, clients will receive a verification email from Acuity. After they’ve verified, any previous appointments they had booked with the same email address will be retroactively assigned to their account. 

How your clients can create a Registered Client Account

Your clients will create an account as a client on the confirmation page of your Client's Scheduling Page. This will allow them to see their appointment history, as well as future appointments and any Packages, Subscriptions, or Gift Certificates they have available to use for their appointments with you. 


Here is what it will look like to register as a client:


Note: Once your client creates a Client Account, their name, phone number, and email address will be pre-filled on the contact page on the Client's Scheduling Page if the clients is using the same computer/browser. Client Accounts also allow clients to save their credit card information, if they'd like. 

Reset Forgotten Password on Registered Client Account

If your client has forgotten their password as a registered client, they will be prompted to request to reset their password. As an admin, you cannot reset a password on a client's behalf. 

Here is what this will look like for your client.

The client will go to your Client's Scheduling Page and click the login link on your scheduling page:

After clicking that link, a popup will have them input their credentials:

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