How to redirect clients to another page after booking

How to redirect clients to another page after booking

How to redirect clients to another page after booking A Andrew Kelly

Redirecting clients to a different page isn't recommended, instead there are several built in integrations to do the most common tasks. Most requests for redirecting can instead by accomplished by either adding conversion tracking or showing clients extra information after scheduling.

Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking integrations allow you to connect Acuity Scheduling with almost any conversion tracking tool. For more on this topic, check out the following guides:

  • Facebook Conversion Pixel for connecting with Facebook ads platform for both conversion tracking and retargeting
  • Google Analytics to track customers throughout the booking process in Google Analytics
  • Custom Conversion Tracking to add custom code that runs after a client schedules an appointment to track conversions from almost any other tool

Show More Information after Scheduling

If you wanted clients to head to your website after booking, you can put that link on your confirmation page, or add the information directly into the final confirmation page. This is great for adding the content from your thank you page directly inside of your scheduler.

To do this, head to your Appointment Types > Click Edit > Click Show Message after Scheduling... to add your text, including your website address or other site you want to direct folks to.



Redirect to a Different Page

Redirecting to a different page after scheduling is strongly not recommended for a few reasons:

  • Clients will see a flash of the confirmation page before being taken to the redirect page.
  • Clients will not be able to cancel, reschedule, quickly add the appointment to their calendar, or register for their own account from the redirect page.
  • Conversion tracking from Acuity will not work well when using a custom redirect.

If neither custom conversion tracking nor adding more info to the final scheduling page works, and you understand these drawbacks, it is still possible to redirect.

Under Integrations the Custom Conversion Tracking integration can also be used to redirect clients to a new page immediately after scheduling. Here's the code to add to Custom Conversion Tracking to redirect clients. Replace YOUR URL with your URL, including http://.

The single quotes surrounding the URL are required.

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