No times are available on my calendar, what's wrong?

No times are available on my calendar, what's wrong?

No times are available on my calendar, what's wrong? A Andrew Kelly

If you have no available time and it isn’t because you’re a booked solid, we do have a few troubleshooting tips that could help you out!

 Troubleshooting tips:

  • Is the date too far in advance, or too close to the current day? With scheduling limits, you can limit how close (or how far) in advance appointments can be scheduled. Learn how to change your scheduling limits.
  • Is the day unavailable? Check your Appointments Calendar and click on the day in question. Unavailability can be set by you, or automatically blocked if calendar syncing is enabled.
  • Is your availability long enough to accommodate the appointment? Any open time slots need to be long enough to fit the appointment duration and any assigned padding time. So if you have a 45-minute appointment (including padding), it won’t fit into a 30-minute time slot. 
  • Are you allowing your clients to schedule their own appointments? You can double-check this in your scheduling limits (see the first bullet for how to reach them.) Look for the Appointments per Time Slot setting. If you’ve input 0, all client scheduling is prevented. By changing the number to 1, you can allow scheduling for one client at a time.
  • If you offer classes, make sure you’ve included class times. This can be done from the main calendar page by clicking (+) Class or by heading in to "Edit" one of your class Appointment Types and selecting (+) Offer Class over on the right hand side of the page.

None of those were the culprit?  No worries--we’ve got a few other options for changing your availability:

If you’ve tried all of these and your appointment times still aren’t showing up, contact support and we’ll get to the bottom of this!

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