Reminder Notifications: Emails & Text Messages

Reminder Notifications: Emails & Text Messages

Reminder Notifications: Emails & Text Messages A Andrew Kelly

Email Reminders (All paid account levels)

You can choose when you'd like your reminders to be sent out in Business Settings > Email Settings > Reminders. Could be hours or days before a scheduled appointment, it's up to you! Reminder emails and texts can only be sent out 1 hour or greater -- they cannot be sent out less than 1 hour before the appointment!

You can send your clients up to three email reminders, and one text message reminder* before their appointment, as long as valid email and phone numbers are included when scheduling.

*Text messaging is only available on the Growing Business & Powerhouse Player Plans!

Text Reminders (Growing Business Plan & Powerhouse Player Plan only!)

As the admin, you can receive text reminders by enabling that option in the Email Settings > Reminders page after you've entered your phone number into your Calendar Settings.

  • The text reminder can be enabled under Email Settings > Reminders only in Growing Business Plan & Powerhouse Player Plan level Acuity accounts.
  • The first reminder listed is the one that can also include a text reminder; any additional reminders will be emails only, but the timing set for each can be in any chronological order.
  • This will allow you to receive a text message whenever an appointment is scheduled, rescheduled, or canceled, and prior to appointments taking place.

View Notification History Log 

You can check if a text message was sent by pulling up an appointment's details and then selecting View all changes and notifications sent. That changelog records any changes to the appointment, including when e-mails and text messages were sent.

Text SMS Character Limit

The character limit for a single SMS message is 160 characters, however most modern phones and networks support concatenation and will segment then rebuild messages up to 1600 characters.

  • When you send a SMS message over 160 characters the message will be segmented into 153 character segments and sent individually then rebuilt by the recipients device.

For example a 161 character message will be sent as two messages, one with 153 characters and the second with 8 characters.



  • If you have a reminder set to 48 hours, and your client schedules an appointment less than 48 hours before the appointment time, the client will not get the 48 hour reminder notification and this cannot be manually sent to them.
  • All text messages sent by Acuity to your clients are free for you, and we at Acuity don't charge fees for text messages. Standard messaging rates apply for your clients receiving the text messages!
  • Take a little deeper look into the magical world of Text Reminders here!

The Email Notification From/Reply-to Address

If you would like to change the email address where replies to your notifications are sent, you can! The reply to & from email address on all emails will default to the account owner's email address unless you would like that address to be changed in your calendar settings.

To change the reply to & from email address in your notifications follow these steps:

  • Click the underlined change link you see in the settings tab:
  • Enter in the email address of the calendar owner, or any other email address you want as the reply to email
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