Schedule appointments for your clients

Schedule appointments for your clients

Schedule appointments for your clients A Andrew Kelly

Scheduling appointments on your clients' behalf is an easy way to go the extra mile.  Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Go to Appointments > Appointment Calendar.
  2. Click the New button located above the Appointment Calendar.
  3. Select the appointment type you'd like to schedule for your client.
  4. Choose the date and time.
  5. Enter your client’s contact information. (Only first and last name are required when booking an appointment on the admin side, but if you include their email address, they’ll also receive an email confirmation when an appointment is scheduled.)


Alternatively, you can click the date/time you’d like to book directly on the calendar, and you’ll be able to bypass the whole date/time entry portion listed above.

Note: If you try to schedule an appointment for a time slot that is outside of your availability, Acuity will give you a warning, but allow you to proceed.

Schedule without Sending a Confirmation Email

If you want to schedule an appointment for a client, but you don't want them to receive a confirmation email, you can click on the triangle next to Schedule Appointment and choose Schedule, but don't send confirmation email.

This will stop the initial confirmation email for the appointment from being sent to both the client and admin. Any Reminder or Follow-up emails set up for that appointment type will still be sent out.

Saving a Client's Credit Card

To save a client's credit card information when scheduling appointments from the admin side, first go through the scheduling process listed above. After the appointment has been scheduled, select Make a payment from within the appointment details.

Choose New Credit Card, enter the credit card details, then change the amount to $0. Select Pay Now to save your client's credit card.

Then, if you want to charge that stored card later, you can select Make a payment from the appointment details, and the stored card will show as a payment option.

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