See when an appointment was booked, changed, and emails sent

See when an appointment was booked, changed, and emails sent

See when an appointment was booked, changed, and emails sent A Andrew Kelly

The changelog is your resource for seeing when appointments are booked or changed, and by whom. Email status is also tracked here, so you can see if emails to you or clients were successfully delivered. In some cases, depending on privacy settings for a client, you will be able to tell if an email was opened too.

To view the log for an appointment, click on an appointment directly from your calendar (or the appointment history within the client list) to bring up the appointment details. To view the log for a class attendee, click on the class, then click on the attendee's name to bring up the details.

Once you've opened the details, click the View all changes & notifications sent link at the bottom. 

When you click this link, it will open up the changelog for all notifications sent to the email and/or phone number on that appointment, as well as any changes made to the appointment by the admin or the client. Here's an example of what you might see:

In the changelog, you will be able to see the following information:

  • All notifications sent to both admin and client
  • Successfully delivered or Bounced notifications
  • If the admin or client has opened email notifications
  • Changes to the appointment made by either admin or client
  • Details of Rescheduling & Cancellations 
  • Initial Confirmation & Reminder emails sent, delivered, and opened 
  • Follow-up emails sent, delivered, and opened
  • SMS text messages sent (Only on Growing Business & Powerhouse Player plans)

If an email wasn't sent, there are some common reasons:

  • Unsubscribed Address: This just means that the client clicked the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of an email to opt out of receiving email notifications. To resubscribe, they can go back to any previous Acuity email and go through the same process, but this time, it’ll say “Resubscribe” instead. 
  • Spam Report: If a recipient marks your message as spam, we no longer send them email messages.  However, if this was done by accident please contact support and we can remove that email address from the blocked list.
  • Bounce: If an email bounces, it means that there was an issue with the mail server or email address, preventing Acuity from delivering the message. Check the changelog for more details (if available). 
  • The notification was disabled for that appointment type. More on that here. 
  • The admin booked the appointment and chose not to send confirmation email.
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