Set Your Availability

Set Your Availability

Set Your Availability A Andrew Kelly

In this article:

In Acuity you can set hours of availability for each calendar.

Note: You can also set different hours of availability for appointment groups that you create within one calendar. Read more on that in this article.

Where to enter your hours:

Availability has two sections: Regular Weekly Hours and Override Hours for Specific Days.

Regular Weekly Hours are your default hours for each day of the week. If it is a Monday, and nothing is telling Acuity to do otherwise, it will use the hours entered in the Monday box of the Regular Weekly Hours section.

Override Hours for Specific Days is the section that overrides the Regular Weekly Hours. If you have hours entered for a specific Monday in the Override Hours for Specific Days section, those will override your regular Monday hours for that specific Monday.

How to enter your hours:

Method Format Effect  range 8 am - 5 pm   The first appointment of the day can begin at 8 am. The last appointment must end by 5 pm.  list of ranges 8 am - 1 pm, 2 pm - 5 pm  The first appointment of the day can begin at 8 am. Appointments must end by 1 pm, but can begin again at 2 pm. The last appointment of the day must end by 5 pm.  list of start times 8 am, 9 am, 10 am  Appointments can begin at 8 am, 9 am, and 10 am. 

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